Game Crashing UEFN

Please select what you are reporting on:

Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?



Ever since the most recent update whenever I Connect my PS5 to UEFN (I hate basic building with the PC as it is kind of difficult for me) and select an object, especially a roof tile it crashes the game on my PS5 my pc still is connected and just says session disconnected on the top of the screen meaning that I left, I’ve done it in multiple worlds even one with JUST the roof tile so I know its a problem with Fortnite and not my PS5, also I have done it in creative 1.0 and it works fine.

Steps to Reproduce

-Start a World
-Connect to PlayStation 5 (Only console I know that this happened to)
-Place down something (I had Grey Slappy Sores Roof Wall tile)
-the game may or may not crash but once it starts it doesnt stop (The first few times you could pick it up just fine but once it does start crashing every time you try would start crashing)

Expected Result

you should be able to just pick it up and place it like normal

Observed Result

crashes the game, freeze framing and after like a few mins shuts the game off and takes me to the ps5 crash report screen



Island Code

no island code

Additional Notes