I’ve been working on a project for a few months now, and have hit a small roadblock in setting up some UI. Currently the game allows players to switch power-ups once they have a certain amount of points, and I want UI to appear when the button is pressed.
However, my function for telling the UI(named PointCounter) isn’t firing. I receive an error when I try to run it as below (image1). I tried another setup with a CastTo as the target (image2), but this didn’t cause the function to fire. What should the target be so that the function fires correctly? Any help would be appreciated
I tried this, but when that happened, I received this error:
The property associated with Super Speed could not be found in ‘/Game/ThirdPersonBP/Blueprints/ThirdPersonCharacter.ThirdPersonCharacter_C’
The Function I had set up for making the UI visible(picture 2), also included this, but was never able to fire correctly. It also had SuperSpeed’s set to public, so im not sure why this would break.