I’m currently working on a project, which needs user to move in all directions. I made a custom character and enabled left/right and forward/backward movement for it. The problem is, that if I just get the up-vector and then add try to add movement input, it won’t work. I found similar topics on the answerhub and the forum: Vertical Movement Input - Programming & Scripting - Unreal Engine Forums
But why I should use the flying mode? When I enable it, I fuond that there is some inertion in movement, which I don’t need.
Is there any way to skip this logic? I don’t need different movement types, I just want to control the position of my character myself
It’s logical to use the flying movement mode in your case (imho).
To fix up the “inertia” you can try to tweak the “flying” values of your character movement.
Specifically look for “breaking deceleration factor”, “aerial acceleration”, “air friction” and “acceleration”. I’m sure you easily work around the inertia
There are many other values you can play with.
Changing the breaking deceleration to a very high value was the solution for me:)
Though, I will try to add input managment on my own, for practice
By the way, I know that it is not very good to ask two questions in one topic, but it is similar to my previous question (in fact, I just forgot to include it at the beginnning):
if I create a custom character with walking movement, I find that it is falling and colliding. I disabled gravity and physics in all compoonents (capsule component, mesh) but it is still falling. Why ???
What makes it fall if not physics?