For the love of GOD!

Please someone just help I’ve looked up a ton of videos screen shots and texts in response to this. I’m back from hiatus after a dead gpu caused hdd wipe and am currently using ue4 4.23 and now I can’t even make it past simple layer texturing to paint my ■■■■ world it’s 1:30 a.m and I’ve officially gone mad please tell me if they changed how its done or what cause I can’t get the ■■■■ targeted layers to show up at all.

@Tessaiga312 It looks ok, I don’t think any significant has changed. Just back right up and take it one step at a time…

I’ve re-done this 6 times still nothing new. I legitimately want to punch a hole through my monitor.

19 tries finally found out the issue!

Which was?