Follow a AI to get to certain location


I’m trying to make a system where the Player has to follow a AI to get to a certain location. I want it so the AI can’t leave the Players side but it also has to be clear where he’s going.

I’m kinda running out of idea’s how to do this so any help is appreciated.

Hey @Doeglas!

Would you mind going a bit more into your use case? Is your player guiding the npc away from it’s path? If not, have you tried moving the NPC along a spline like in this non-Epic affiliated example:

E06 - How to Make AI NPCs Follow Splines

After that you would check the distance from the player and if the player is within range, the AI continues down it’s path.

Any additional information you can provide will be a big help in solving your problem!

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It’s pretty hard to explain. I think a Spline might work and I already have a way to check if the AI is close to the player or not. But I think it will look weird if the player isn’t moving and the AI is not moving.

I think I might add some idle animations, I hope that would make it seem more natural.
