Folige is behaving strange

I am currently trying to paint folige on my Map. Problem is, that it is behaving strange. Half of it is moving in the wind like it was some kind of hurricane while the other half is just moving normally. If i place the meshes they also move normally. I activated Nanite and set every mesh to movable. I dont know whats causing this issue and wanted to know if someone knows a fix for it.

Video of Folige behaving weird:

I’ve had this in a recent project with a lot of foliage, trees flying in mid air oscillating up and down.

No idea of a solution, but can confirm this is happening.

It must have something to do with the wind movement though.

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These bugs within using the foliage tool started in 5.0EA. I have made a bug report about it back then, but never got a reply. Tested out 5.1 with the megascan tree collections and the same thing is still happening. Hand placed foliage works fine, But once converted to foliage types and used in foliage tool they start warping. Since then i made my own generator/placement volume blueprint that places and converts them to instances. But it remains a hassle and this should have been fixed already. Anybody know’s a workaround or fix i’d love to hear it :slight_smile:

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Just found an answer in the forum’s so i am placing the workaround/fix here also.
Normally we used to use “object pivot location” from source local → to → absolute world space. But for some reason that is currently broken and it needs to be switched to: Source(Instance & Particle Space) → Destination(Absolute World Space). I tried it in 5.1 with both the foliage painter & the procedural foliage volume and it is working as intended again :slight_smile: :+1: