Foliage painting broken in 4.14 ?

I tried to paint some gras in 4.14.3 and it´s nearly impossible due to heavy lag when painting. In the past I never had problems but I directly compared 4.12.5, 4.13.2 and 4.14.3 just to make sure my settings are not totally out of range this time. In all versions I created a new project, imported my gras geometry, brush size 100, paint density 1, density/1Kuu 50000 and I painted the default floor object that comes with a new scene. It works like a charm in 4.12 and 4.13 and it´s nearly impossible to paint in 4.14. Haven´t installed 4.15, yet. I also tried every possible setting in 4.14 that might affect the painting, like shadows, max slope, radius. No change. Btw. I also tried to use the paint bucket tool. Filling the floor object with settings as described takes 1 second in 4.12 and 4.13. In 4.14 I killed the process after 5 minutes waiting. Unless I missed something essential painting seems to be broken in 4.14.

Hi netfrag-sam.

It’s possible you may be experiencing this issue: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-40221) - which is fixed for the upcoming 4.15 release.

In the future, if you believe you have identified a bug, please follow this guide to report it. Report a Bug - Unreal Engine


Could this be related with Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-41938) ?