Foliage not receiving proper shadows

Hi guys, I need help with my project.
In the first screen shot the shadows cast on the foliage from the fence are not as dark as I want them to be.
But in another area of the project in the second screen shot it looks the way I want it to be.
The foliage is set to movable,directional light is set to stationary, and skylight is set to static.

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Looks to me like your wall has impossible values and the reflection/refraction is being calculated into the shade thats being cast.

  1. there is no such thing as full white in nature unless you look straight at the sun and go blind.
    So, you can try a different shade of gray if you have the wall set to #fff.

  2. wall/concrete/stucco unless painted with gloss will always have a specularity of .5 or much less.

  3. adding a normal map to the wall to break the flawless look (if it doesn’t have one) can also help.

Its definitely reflection/refraction, since even your bush is light up on the side of the wall.

Ps: probably quixel, but the grass looks pretty darn nice.


Thank you so much. That solved the issue.

The value of white wall was initially set to 0.75
I brought it down to .04
and for good measure i also added the normal map as you suggested
and finally the ground mesh on the other side also had the white material, so I made sure to use a darker material and the shadows look great now :smiley:

Also thanks for the comment on the grass. It’s not Quixel. Got it from the Market Place from DVIZ Realistic PALM TREE GRASS PLANTS set.