Foliage (dis)appears too randomly

Hello. I have a rather weird problem with foliage appearing and disappearing.
I use foliage brush to plant trees on the background (since it obviously much less bother then making a background forest by placing objects). However, when you move the camera around or zoom in or out to this foliage, some further objects start appearing, while closer disappear, and sometimes vice-versa.
Looks like this (if the small gif will make any sense):


Truth is, I thought it was the lodding, however, if you place the same objects on the map as static meshes, they won’t be appearing and disappearing like that, and will ‘stay still’. And even with that, adjusting the lods didn’t help. It also seems to be happening with bigger objects, since I never noticed any problem with, say, small rocks or grass (that have the same lods adjustments as those trees you see). I was wondering are there some foliage preferences I’ve missed to sort this out, or it is just not accustomed to bigger objects, or it’s some sort of a bug.
Also, note that all lods for the treees are the same materials so far, and there are no blank materials on those trees.

i have the exact same issue, help!!!

I’m having this issue currently as well. My trees are still quite definitely there, as the collision for them is working fine - so I keep running into random trees. Already checked all the standard LOD/auto calculation solutions out there with no luck…