Flying Template Auto Pilot?

Hey everybody,

I am currently developing a VR submarine game using the flying template in blueprints. In the game I have different points of interest that the user can visit. If they pick one of the POI’s, a spot on the radar will appear to help them get there as well as a distance gauge to let them know how far away they are. I am trying to create a auto pilot-like system where if they press a specified key, the game will take control and bring them to the destination. I am not sure what functions to use to achieve this as the player could be in any position in the world and need to be taken to any other spot in the world.

Also, I need to make sure that I can continue to control the speed at which the submarine is being moved during the auto pilot to avoid motion sickness from going too fast. I also need to be able to play specified sounds and animations along the way and make sure the submarine does not run into or through objects along the way.

I know this is a broad question but any help at all would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance.