Flying Game aileron rotation


I have been trying to make the aileron of my warplane to rotate according to the current (yaw,roll,pitch) speed to the transform bone, but it doesn’t work well, it only change the position of my aileron but it doesn’t work if i try to fly to a certain latitude (Upward). I mean, it stay in that weird position when i use the animation blueprint.

Anyone has try or has made the aileron (or any part that can rotate of a plane) to work? please help me, i’m confused.

By the way, quite noob question, but i created a character actor and change the default player (I think it’s player) in the game mode to that character actor, but it doesn’t even change the player control, it still use that flying pawn.

Hey there, can you show your Transform modify bone node? See if in the world settings of the level you have overriden the game mode settings. Worst case, just create your own set that as the default.