I have a flame model that is basically a circle attached to a cone going up essentially. Is there are good way to make it so that only the cone part of the flame NOT the ball part of the flame at the bottom actually has physics? So when I move the flame ball the cone shape of the mesh on top drag/wiggle around like a flame would and snap back into upwards face when not moved?
I have tried to make it so that it is a skeletal mesh with the ball part being the root/body bone and 4 bones on top will be for the flame and actually animate and do the physics excluding the body bone. Only problem if I try this is I am also wanting to use shape keys in blender to allow me to adjust how tall or short the flame currently is. With bones that match the tall flame, they bend the smaller flame badly.
Is there a method to do something like this allowing for shape keying the flame to get taller or shorter while still allowing the flame to wiggle around with physics or something like it as the main body of the flame moves around?