I’ve been trying to create an architectural simulation in ue4 which shows an alternative augmented reality. I want to get my first person character to lift up a tablet computer to fill the field of view and show this alternative reality, I would liken it to scoping of a gun. How can I get the character animation (made on blender) to lift up the tablet when entering the triggervolume and then return to normal when leaving. Would it be better have the animation play when using a controller input?
You can do a Cast to AnimBlueprint and call a Custom Event in there which triggers an Play Montage node.
You would have to create a Animation Montage, designate a slot to it and in the AnimGraph add the slot to your Animation flow.
It’s rather complicated. I recommend watching the Unreal Engine animation series. Especially the ones around the 20th episode and up.
I’ve had a quick look through but it gets quite complicated, the only animation I have is that of the arms moving so I get a little lost following that series of guides,