First person animations with footstep notifies

I have footstep sound notifies on my (arms only) first person walking & running animations and they work great, but what’s the best way to get them working on animations like Iron sights where the same animation is used for standing still and moving? Is it best to make multiple copies of each weapon firing animation for the different footstep speeds or is there a more efficient way to do it?

Sorry if it’s an obvious question, just want to make sure there’s not a better way.

I also noticed the Shooter game has faced the same issue, no footstep sounds when in iron sights.


Maybe try doing the ironsight animations as an additive blend on top of your normal animations, so the normal ones still do the notifies and your ironsight is simply layered on top.

Hey man thanks for the reply.

Would this be done by using two state machines, one for firing (hip fire, ironsights etc) and one for locomotion and using the ‘Apply Additive’ in the animgraph to blend them? Or am I right off base here…