I’m not sure if this is a bug or just something that wasnt clearly explained.
I have a dungeon that is generated room by room and I use the ‘door’ in the last room to determine the offset of the next room which means beginplay needs to call on the room actor. This works normally, just doing a for loop and setting up the rooms, each room is fully setup before the next is called. However…there is a random (1/20) chance that the loop will just run without each room actually being initialized, which I can easily prove with logs, have a log in the loop, and a log in begin play for each room, normally it always calls, beginplay->loop logs, but when this issue occurs I see all the loop logs together then beginplays slowly come in.
Is this a ‘feature’ of unreal where the actors initialize slowly to prevent bottlenecks? can I disable it? Or am I just relying on things to be in the orders that are just unpredictable?
edit: it seems this only occurs when using a rep notify function to spawn actors. very weird.