Hey, all,
I just saw the Max’s Static Morph Targets plugin and although I do own Max I want it in Blender, it’s just so awesome! You guys at Epic, are doing an awesome job! Now Blender has this shape keys function which works basically the same as morph targets, so I suppose it must be possible, such feature would be awesome! Thanks! c:
I’m not sure what plugin you’re referring to since 3Ds Max already has morpher modifiers available. If Blender can support exporting shape key information with it’s FBX this should be doable in UE4. There are no plugin’s add ons I’m aware of that aren’t something you can already do in Max/Maya/Blender.
Feel free to elaborate and I’ll see if I can help you out.
Hi Tim, apologies for bumping this old question, I believe I can elaborate upon OP’s request having thought of the same thing.
Blender can successfully export shape keys to UE4, this works well when you import the mesh as a skeletal mesh and enable the “import morph targets” option.
Now I understand Unreal also provides the option of morphing targets right within the material using the “StaticMeshMorphTargets” node. Based on the docs this node expects the data in a very specific format for which purpose you have provided a Max script to pack the data in the right form.
OP and I are wondering whether you can help provide a way for Blender users to also benefit from this node. Morphing within the material seems invaluable for applying morphs to static mesh emitters in Cascade.
I don’t know Blenders internals well enough to comment on how easy it is to provide a similar (python) plugin for Blender, do you have any thoughts on whether/how morph data from Blender can used with the the “StaticMeshMorphTargets” material node?
TeslaDev made this video on morph targets in Blender. You just have to import the mesh as Skeletal, even if you don’t set bones:
Would this not work for you?
Yes, exactly this. Being able to use static mesh morphing rather than skeletal mesh morphing from blender author assets would be great for those of us without a 3ds max license.
bump! 3Ds max has it, Modo has it, Blender needs it!
Still no movement on this one? I also would like morph targets to have collision. I understand “StaticMeshMorpher.ms” is a MaxScript utility for MAYA that does this - but I use Blender. So does anyone have a script that can do the same thing for Blender. The docs for the Maya script are here: Static Mesh Morph Targets | Unreal Engine Documentation
I just can’t find anything similar for Blender.
Some time ago i found this: unreal_tools/ at master · JoshRBogart/unreal_tools · GitHub
I think this does exactly what we alle needed, except collisions, wich i think isn´t possible cause like it says, it´s static^^
Thank you for that, got issue with scale inside unreal, but to fix that, just pack the UV at 0.01 scale then switch to 1.0 for the fbx export.
Since it’s World Position Offset based shader it’s normal to not have the right collision when the morph is applied, so it works perfectly how it’s supposed to!