[Feature Request] BlueprintNativeEvent function specifier for overridable function

So far, BlueprintNativeEvent’s work really awesome! Great job on them. However, there’s a small change I’d like to request.

If the BlueprintNativeEvent ufunction doesn’t return a value:

UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, BlueprintNativeEvent) void NextTurn();

then it’s seen as an event, not a function. This makes it so the function in the blueprint is only purely overridable, meaning the parent’s version of the function cannot be called if overriden in the blueprint. There is a way around it by making it return a value:

UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, BlueprintNativeEvent) int32 NextTurn();

But if the value isn’t being used, then it’s just a junk value to make the engine see it as a function instead of an event, just so you can call the parent’s function. It gets a little confusing for people who don’t understand it’s just a junk value.

I was wondering if you guys could add a function specifier that makes the engine see it as a function instead of an event.