FBX with multi meshes import question

This is something else I am having issues with migrating from unity3d to unreal. Below is how unity3d deals with FBX files that have more than one mesh:

As you can see unity exposes the meshes in the file and you can set them active or de-active in the editor or in code. But when I import the same file in unreal:

I can not find where I can set these meshes to on or off in the editor or blue print. What some one suggested was to rip the model apart and then import each FBX file/object in to unreal one at a time and set them to the same skeleton. Then build a blue print with all the different parts of the Alien. Considering that Alien has a lot of parts I decided to start with a human model first. So by ripping this female apart:

I split the FBX file apart one for the Head, Torso, Arms, Hands, Legs and Eyes leaving the skeleton in tack for each of them, and then re-imported it back into unreal. By doing this I was then able to make a actor blue print and attach the FBX to the blue print and start adding the clothing I have for these models:

I took a pic before I added her hair. Any how tonight I am going to be working on trying to animate her (not even sure how to approach this). In the back of my mind I keep thinking there has to be a better way. I can not find any tutorials on how to setup an actor that has more than one mesh like this. I know unreal has its own clothing thing but I all ready have like 70 outfits and a work flow to make them. Just wondering if anyone out there knew of a better way to do this or knows of a tutorial on this type of setup?