Failed connect to swarm

Hello there,

I know this issue isn´t new for many people, but I can´t fix it:

when I build something (light or anything), it gives me the “failed to connect to swarm” report.

I found this in the forum:

“delete the swarm cache. You can find the cache data here: C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Local\UnrealEngine\4.1\Saved\Swarm\SwarmCache.Clear the cache and restart the Editor.”

But I´m stucked with this info because I really can´t find this folder, I don´t even have an “appdata” folder…??

I re-installed UE4 but it didn´t help. The fact that my UE4 installation-folder is located on an another hard-drive shoudn´t be a problem I guess?

And yes, I turned off my Firewall, Anti-vir etc…not helping.

Can anyone help or has an idea how or where I should look for this… \saved\swarm\swarmcache.clear data?


Hi Pajoo,

The appdata folder is hidden by the system by default. That’s probably why you didn’t notice it.

Go to your start menu > Run > C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Local\UnrealEngine\4.1\Saved\Swarm\SwarmCache

search for that folder address with your correct computer name and it should open automatically. If it doesn’t you’ll need to un-hide all system folders in the C: drive to navigate to that folder path.

With light build failing, also check that you don’t have multiple swarm agents open. You’ll need to look in your task manager (bottom right) and expand so you can see all the active task manager icons. If you see the orange and black swarm agent logo close that and try building lighting.


I don’t have a swarm folder? what do I do?