Hi Folks,
I might have obviously overlooked something but just can’t find solution for the following:
I have a simple scene set up in 4.17.2 with a custom mesh (walls of a house) created in Blender.
The materials used on the surfaces are from the Unreal Realistic Rendering (ArchVis) sample project (M_WallPaintInterior_MAT, and floor materials).
The scene lighting comprises a Directional Light (movable - and this is the only light source), a Sky Sphere, Sky Light, Atmospheric Fog, a Post Process volume and a Lightmass Importance Volume.
The house mesh in the Mesh Editor looks pretty much OK,
but in the scene (both in the Editor and PIE) the faces looking downwards (ceilings and parts of door/window frames) receive no or very little light and are therefore completely black, as if there were no reflection from surrounding surfaces.
If I use a spot to light these surfaces they became lit pretty well,
this way the mesh (normals etc.) and the materials should be OK, I guess.
Any ideas, tips what’s wrong then or any tricks?