External Files on Blueprint Script

Hi my new friends.

I’m learning UE4 Blueprint Script and I have a idea but I don’t know if that is possible to make. I have a folder on my WAMP SERVER and a have a folder called ( Static Mesh ). My idea is create a button on my UE4 widget and when It’s pressed import my Static Mesh from my folder to my scene. It’s possible ?

Please, help me.

Thank you.

I think it will be easier and/or possible to do that by import all your meshes into your game-content folder in the Content Browser. Then convert each one of those meshes to a blueprint-class and when you press the button you could use SpawnActorFromClass https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Gameplay/HowTo/SpawnAndDestroyActors/Blueprints/
And you could make an array of all the classes of your available meshes and select one randomly or let the user choose, that completely depends on you…

hey man. I have exactly the same question… I need when to press a button to load an fbx or datasmith file from a folder. Did you find the solution ?