External file importing and other question

I will say right away that I have no experience with Unreal Engine, so some questions may seem silly.

I want to make a scene on UE4. In the scene, for example, there will be 5 robots that will have to move depending on a command sent to them. Commands are taken from a file that is loaded from Windows (text file .txt). Commands will be sent at specific time.

I’ve worked with C++, but I dont know how much hard is it to programming with C++ in UE.


  1. Select a file

  2. Read the file

  3. Sending commands to the robots

  4. Robots are executing commands

  5. Repeat step 3 and further, if not the end of the file.

Now the questions themselves:

  1. Can I implement this in UE? The whole idea or some parts of it.

  2. If I can, then how can I implement file reading: place browser button in main windows of compiled program, write function that this button will be implementing and then transfer the commands to objects (robots), where function in robot’s “class” will receive and make them move.

  3. Since I have never worked with engines, I don’t know what output will be like. Will it be just a compiled program with one scene and will I need to recompile everything again to create a program with a new scene(for example, change robot’s locations)?

  4. Is it difficult or even realistically (for a beginner like me) to implement a program so that it can then simply load the Unreal project file(or something like that) with the scene into it and then work with it (according to the algorithm)?