Hi All,
I’m a high school student who has mainly worked with Java and C# before now. I’m trying to move into working with Unreal Engine 4 and plugins. However, the topic seems like something of a black box to me. I’m interested in seeing some resources where I can learn more about plugins, hopefully with terminology that is explained along the way as I don’t have much UE4 or C++ experience.
My main goal is to make the particle editor a little easier to use, mostly by adding buttons. I’ve created a plugin that creates a button on the main toolbar (one of the default plugins), but how can I experiment with this in Cascade? How can I add the button to Cascade’s toolbar rather than the main one? How can I give the button different functionality when clicked, like showing the same menu that pops up when you right click in the emitters panel?
I’ve been trying to read through the source code, though there is a noticeable lack of comments, and I’m not completely familiar with the syntax of C++ or UE4 terminology yet. If anyone could help me to get a grasp on plugins at a beginner level, I would appreciate it greatly.