Hi all! I’ve been using 4.26 and 4.27 to export meshes to FBX. I’ve successfully done this with both Skeletal Meshes and Static Meshes just fine. I recently started working with normal maps. This works great for exported Static Meshes, but the FBX files I exported from Skeletal Meshes have no Tangents or Binormals. Am I missing a checkbox somewhere?
I don’t know if its an option for you but if I would export something from UE to any DCC, I would only tweak the normals in the DCC in question. It never append to me that the Tangents were not present on export of an asset.
(additional comment raise the topic in the forum, so if it doesn’t help you, maybe it will reach someone who can )
Skeletal meshes could be set up to regenerate tangents from materials or at runtime.
Those settings will override visually in engine but obviously cannot be exported as they arent part of the asset…
You are probably better off recalculating everything at the desination DCC tbh.
Even if you have to feed the normal map and derive eveyrything from it.
Thank you.