Is it me, or did ‘export’ subtly vanish from the texture right click menu?
It’s there for me, but I think I’ve seen it ‘not there’ before too - perhaps there are some types that cannot be exported?
You’re right, it’s only some. A bizarre pattern that manages to include the one I want to export…
Cannot see what the difference is, but it seems to be older textures ( Paragon etc ).
In the end, I took a screenshot, edited and reimported
I remember a trick I used for that specific issue:
Right click the texture that you want to export, select create material, then add a plane in a level, set its material to the one that you just created, then bake its materials, select the resolution that you want, and it will create a new material and texture using the parameters that you specified in the bake window. The new texture can be exported fine
That’s a nice idea