Every unreal engine game freezes seconds after being opened

A few days ago my pc started to have issues with Unreal Engine games. Ihave tried with Batman Arkham, Bullets Per Minute and Primal Carnage, to name a few examples.

All of the games start correctly, but after a few seconds the screen freezes while the music keeps playing and I have to shutdown the pc forcefully. This pc meets the recommended settings by far, and it doesn’t happen with any other games that uses another engine.

In the logs of the games all I can found are these messages:

ScriptWarning: Accessed None ‘Parent’
PCGFxPopup_GenericMessage Transient.PCGFxPopup_GenericMessage_1
Function PrimalCarnageGame.PCGFxPopup_GenericMessage:btnCall:00CB

Any idea of what can be causing this problem?