Events from C++ wont show up in BP

I am trying to expose a C++ event to BP. But it wont show up.

UFUNCTION(BlueprintImplementableEvent, Category = “Auto Locking”)
void OnOutView();

What I tried to make it show up:

  • Recompile from code in Develop and Debug.
  • Added meta data with friendly name to function.
  • Used BlueprintNativeEvent instead of BlueprintImplementableEvent

BlueprintImplementableEvent marks the function as being able to be overridden in blueprints. BlueprintNativeEvent means the function is designed to be overridden AND has a native implementation (if it isn’t overridden). Neither of them mark the function as being able to be called from blueprints.

Add BlueprintCallable to make it callable! (More docs here).

Thanks for the answer but this is not the solution. Adding BlueprintCallable (which I already tried) turns it into a BP (blue node) function not a BP event (red node).

Okay, you want an actual event. According to this documentation and this post you accomplish that by defining the BlueprintImplementableEvent in your header file (the line you included in your original post looks correct), but you also must not put an implementation in your source file. Did you implement the function in your source file?