EventActorBeginOverlap, how to detect different actor overlapped?

I can’t work out how to get blueprints to get to detect which actor overlapped the other actor, in this case a person and different types of bullets. I tried adding 2 ActorOverlap events but the engine didn’t like that. The Overlap event I have casts to an Actor and removes HP accordingly. Haven’t got any idea how i can split the flow for when the other type of bullet hits. Thanks for reading.

I would do this, assign each actor that can get different effects from overlapping the object a unique tag, and change the overlap functionality based on the tag.

Link for full resolution: http://imgur.com/uY3jkOT

This worked a charm, I couldn’t for the life of me work out how this was going to be done. Thank you so much your help is greatly appreciated. :slight_smile: