So im currently on month 3 of making my first game and learning the engine all was going to smoothly until i came to trying to figure out how to set event order basically im making a horror game and within the level will be several triggers however im trying out whats the best method to trigger one event only after another event has been triggered and destroyed basically to stop players walking into triggers at the start of the game that should not be until later
Basically, make a blueprint with an overlap volume, which has an ‘active’ bool set to false by default.
It also has a reference to the next trigger.
You place them all over the level, and tell each one which is the next one, and set the active bool to true, only on the first.
When the player overlaps a trigger, it performs some action, sets itself to inactive, and sets the next one to active.
That’s it, apart from what happens if the player quits the game and restarts it the next day. Then, the trigger BP needs to know what its status was previously, which means using the save game.
If you also give it an actor reference, you can call a blueprint interface on that actor when the player overlaps.
That means you only literally need one blueprint ( many copies ), because any other actor can respond to an interface call, and the results can always be different