Hi all,
I’m having, what I believe is a weird issue, unless there is something basic I have no idea of.
So I have a ‘Function’ in my Pawn Controller, where you click on a table (or touch with the finger) and if the Object Type of that object is “Furniture” then it will call a menu, one that pulls the name of the object, and has a “Delete” button in order to delete the object from the level.
I’ve haven’t had any trouble with it until now…
I added a different code to some of the tables, so they will spawn with a chair. as soon as I add an Event BeginPlay inside the objects BP that widget won’t get called. It will still see the Object Type of the object hit, and also compare it with the “Furniture” one and print the name of the object.But after that, it will not call the widget.
I’ve tried disconnecting the Event BeginPlay so the rest of the code won’t run, but the problem persist, so I tried adding JUST the Event BeginPlay to a different object, which was working fine. and as soon as I added, even without any extra code, the widget won’t get called… If I deleted, well you can guess… it works perfectly.
Not sure what is it, what am I doing wrong, or if there is anything I have to do when using the Event BeginPlay if I want to interact between BPs??
Please help!
Thank you in advance
Best Regards!
Edit: *Forgot to say, I know the best solution probably would be to add the code to the master furniture bp, but I haven’t been able to make it work from the master, so I still have to work with it a bit more. In the meantime I have a due date coming up soon, and I need the chairs to spawn as well, so I need to make this one work and then work on the master one.
Still, I don’t feel like the Event BeginPlay should act like this, so I would still be grateful to know what is going on!
Thank you! *