Hello everyone,
I’m currently experiencing problems with a VR demo I’m creating. Until now everything was fine, but now I’m having problems with the latest version, since I imported new versions of some meshes.
I have grouped my meshes in different “Blueprint Classes” to simplify their movement and modification. But when I run the simulation, all the meshes that are in “Blueprint Class” teleport elsewhere. I specify that the meshes are not supposed to have animations. The problem does not occur with free meshes, only when I put them in a “Blueprint Class”. Any idea ?
I also have an error when I try to build my demo: “AttachTo: ‘/Game/VRTemplate/Maps/UEDPIE_0_VRTemplateMap.VRTemplateMap:PersistentLevel.test_Blueprint_C_0. StaticMeshActor_105’ is not static (in blueprint “Rame3_Blueprint”), cannot attach ‘/Game/VRTemplate/Maps/UEDPIE_0_VRTemplateMap.VRTemplateMap:PersistentLevel.StaticMeshActor_105_GEN_VARIABLE_StaticMeshActor_CAT_98.StaticMeshComponent0’ which is static to it. Aborting.” How can I fix this problem?
When I try to build the lights, the unreal Engine freezes without giving me an error code and forces me to alt f4. How can I get a log of this crash?
Thanks for your help!