Error with building "Mono for Unreal Engine"


I try to build

Version Unreal Engine source code – 4.5.1
Build without Mono is success.
How can I build Unreal Engine 4.5 with latest ‘Mono for Unreal Engine’? May be Mono can’t build with Unreal Engine 4.5 and needed 4.4?


Yeah I think so.

Thanks! I will try build Mono with Unreal Engine 4.4.

You should try joining the Mono For Unreal mailing list and ask the question there. There are already people building with 4.5 on it (basically, it’s just figuring out which patches to apply).

Yeah, I found information on Mono for Unreal Engine mailing list. Thanks! I will try!

Thanks for you time!

I try to build Unreal Engine 4.4 with Mono. But I got next errors :frowning:

All patches apply. What do I do wrong?

Yeah, I did success build Unreal Engine 4.4 with Mono! But I got errors with cs files, need update Mono. Thanks for you help!!! :slight_smile: