Equivalent of Save As for Blueprints to test changes without destroying only copy

Thanks for help, I am a designer / artist learning unreal and I havent found a way to do a quick copy of a blueprint so I can make changes without breaking the only copy? I tried “Duplicate” but that lead to crazy issues. I know about Child Blueprints but Im looking for equivalent of Adobe “Save a Copy” so that I can reload a blueprint if I mess it up by testing new changes to it? Thanks for any advice on this.

You want to copy the hole blueprint?

You have two options to make independent copy bueprints:

  1. You select the part of the blueprint drag and hold left mouse buton to select you want and press CTRL C make a new blueprint and past code with CTRL V.
  2. Select Blueprint you want and press CTRL W or CTRL C and CTRL V to duplicate

As far as is now there arent a lot of ways to copy blueprints.

Hope I could help you a bit

You should look into source control.

What crazy issues are you getting with copying? That’s the way I would do it…

So I had been right clicking blueprints and creating Duplicate which id add the date to the file name as a backup. But the times I went on and broke the blueprint I then wasnt able to easily swap my backup blueprint back in and overwrite my changes easily. After doing the duplicates I noticed that they were still affecting / connected to the master blueprint from which they were duplicates of. So I had my weapon spawn empty gun appearing 7 times below my character, one from each blueprint duplicate. Its frustraighting to be learning unreal and constantly breaking my creations with my changes and not having a very obvious backup/checkpoint to just drop back to easily. I looked into source control but it seems like another confusing system for just a 1 man game. Maybe there is a addon or pluggin for creating quick save spots / backups of blueprints I can find?

Thanks, I looked into source control but it seems like another confusing system for just a 1 man game. Maybe there is a addon or pluggin for creating quick save spots / backups of blueprints I can find?

I appreciate the answer/ suggestion I will try to do that and store that blueprint as a backup. The issue seems that when i reference the blueprint class or adjust my blueprint its still effecting the backup, so its not just an isolated backup. I wish there was a way to just do Save As / Frozen Backup and put files in a folder or list that I can just go to when needed and right click to re-activate the backup and have it overwrite the newer version. Probably my own fault im sure but id be way happier being able to muck up my stuff without breaking it all the time. THANKS EVERYONE for the help.

The CTRL-W thing would work fine for you, you just need to code your BPs and attach them in a ways that accounts for the fact you keep copies. In other words, only spawn / make one gun on your player. The BPs are separate things with different names, so if you’re getting many guns on your player, there’s something up with your gun placement method…