EpicGamesLauncher is broke!

There are Epic staff still following the forums, though just because we are ‘pinged’ doesn’t always mean we have a valuable response or solution to provide.

I am sorry to hear you are having challenges with the launcher. The launcher is undoubtedly an important application towards the use of Unreal Engine, though issues/feedback with it does largely fall outside the scope of these forums for the Engine, and many staff on here who’s sole focus is the Engine. For launcher issues, please refer here: https://www.epicgames.com/help/en-US…er-support-c82 - there is a “Contact Us” button at the bottom of the page. This will contact the support team responsible for the launcher (aka the ‘store’) who will assist and/or share issues with the development team. If you have already contacted them, thanks. You are welcome to still share launcher feedback here on these Unreal Engine forums, and it can help with our (Engine staff’s) visibility into matters we wouldn’t otherwise be aware of, but we may not have solutions or feedback to provide.

If the launcher remains a bottleneck for Unreal Engine use, I may recommend trying to work with source code from Github. Though I certainly recognize this doesn’t help in all areas, such as with the Marketplace.
