Hello, i´ve got a material which emits an emissive light, on Brushes and StaticMesh it works fine, but when i try to put this Material onto a Destructible Mesh is just shows the blank sphere (as there were no material on it), the material tab shows the emitting material!
Is it even possible to have emitting DMeshes?
(Picture shows selected DMesh (emissive ball on the left is a static mesh))
Hmm, that’s strange. I just tried it both with a Default and Unlit shading models with an emissive color plugged to emissive channel and i can see the material as normal, just like your static mesh. I don’t know what can be wrong. :\
Managed to fix it, in my Material i set the Material Domain to Light Function, thats why the DM didnt show it, swapping back to “Surface” fixed this issue