Im not sure if the is the right place to post this. But 3 days ago. I updated my game engine from 4.20.0 to 4.20.3. The result was breaking a 10 month old project and every single backup ive ever made. I can no load any blueprint, even empty ones or the editor crashes. Nor levels with blueprints in them. Trying to run “fix up redirectors crash” the editor.
Ive tried everything. I even rebuilt 4.20.0 from source. Didnt fix it
Anything that even bearly references a blueprint in anyway crashes the editor.that really stressful. Im not even capable of looking at the blueprints to use as a reference. It just crashes. If i move the actor file to any other working project it breaks it also.
I put alot of work into this project I would be extremely grateful of anyone who can help me figure this out.
We are pretty sure something is wrong with my structures
But im not sure what to do to remedy it.