Editor Crashes on Save (and other actions) then removes D3D Device

I’m upgrading our project to use ray tracing. Before turning on ray-tracing I would never get this type of crash. It can happen opening the viewport of a blueprint, compiling a blueprint, saving a blueprint, or viewing a specific blueprint’s icon in the content browser, and sometimes playing in the editor (though that is less common).

I suspect it is not necessarily the RT that causes it, but using DirectX12 as the default RHI.

There is a pop-up that says:


GPU Crashed or D3D Device Removed.

Use -d3ddebug to enable the D3D debug
device. Check log for GPU state

In the log it says:

Error: TempTexture2D->GetResource()->Map(0, & ReadRange, & pData) failed at /Engine/Source/Runtime/D3D12RHI/Private/D3D12RenderTarget.cpp:768

Attaching and debugging, I found that the read range is from 0 to 0x80000 and that data seemed to be a valid pointer. Normally the read range goes from 0 to 0x31d9d4, or something similar, and in those cases it doesn’t crash.

I hope this helps.

Update: I managed to get a hresult out of it for the reason it detached the GPU: 0x887A0006 DXGI_DEVICE_HUNG, The GPU will not respond to more commands, most likely because of an invalid command passed by the calling application.

It also failed the fence check in IsFenceComplete() in D3D12DirectCommandListManager.cpp

It happens to me all the time, when I save a level when I minimize the windows tool bar, I have a Nvidia 2070 super and the GPU crash all the time, It is frustating

Same here. Any solution?

I think this has been fixed by the 4.25.4 Hotfix. I have been able to save a blueprint that would always crash when saving with ray-tracing on without it crashing with the update applied.