Dynamic gravity using arbitrary gravitational influence

Hi Epic

This is a half-philosophical approach. Thinking about the earth like an oblate spheroid almost spherical astronomical object. I think the world in Unreal Engine 4 is a flat world. The gravity pulls any thing that exists, throughout the universe only to -Z axis, at least via blueprints and character movement component. While the true gravity is a phenomena through which the most massive objects attracts from all directions less massive objects.

looking over this thread: Dynamic gravity for characters](Dynamic gravity for characters - C++ - Epic Developer Community Forums)

I wonder is possible in Unreal Engine 4 to implementing a smart way for creating things like arbitrary gravitational influencers with a distance field able to determine the gravitational gradient in any component, that can be implemented via blueprints and character movement component, ie. arbitrary gravitational influence via blueprints and character movement component. How was commented on the previous thread

That would be interesting to things like wall run, simulate g-force in ramps, walking in a spaceship, insects or other creatures walking around the wall or ceiling…

Thanks in Advance!!!

I would love for this to be added! The fact someone has already managed to implement something close to it is promising. Make it so! haha