It’s been a while since I tried using double debugging (nested debugging). I coined the term double debugging to describe the use of multiple Visual Studio 2015 instances with your game project. One instance is use for debugging the Unreal Engine 4, and the other instance is used for code changing and IntelliSense code completion. If anyone knows what other word is used to describe double debugging, please let me know.
I went ahead and run two Visual Studio instances, both of which are opening the same UE4 project. One of them is debugging the game from the editor, using DebugGame Editor. The other instance acts as a text editor and Unreal Engine 4 API context auto-completion (aka, IntelliSense). I no longer can say if I’m doing this right, and I need some assurance to say, oh I’m not doing this correctly, or that is wrong, etc. It was apparent that I am not able to use IntelliSense on the second instance of Visual Studio. When building the game, UE4 cannot produce UE4_Editor-Project-Win64-DebugGame.lib, and I keep getting “Call was rejected by callee” error messages.
In short, this is what I’m doing:
And when something happens:
It seems it’s now much harder for me to do this on Visual Studio 2015 than Visual Studio 2013, or maybe it’s because of me.