Does it matter how much memorie a video card has

I saw the kite demo run on the Titan x with 12GB if I had a card with 2GB in it could I do the same thing

Hi. certain effects like bloom or DOF or etc will use low amount of video memory . but a lots of video memory will be dedicated to Textures . of course the graphic chip is another think ( GTX 760 or 770 or 980 ).

Example : GTX 760 with 2GB of memory you can play a modern game ( Witcher 3 ) in graphic settings of ( texture = Medium, bloom = on , DOF = off , View distance = medium ) in solid 30 fps.

I believe that is what the “scalable” feature is about when you create a new project. It sets your project up to be played/viewed, using the BaseScalability.ini with the best options on the user’s GPU (video card). From my understanding, this is also the featured needed to build console games…

UE4 Doc

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