Does disabling plugins improve project build/packaging times?

At the moment, it’s taking very long time to package projects. Even quite basic ones.

When watching the output log when packaging the game, I see a main frame action for every single enabled plugin.
**Example:**MainFrameActions: Packaging(Windows(32bit):UnrealBuildTool:Module.ArchVisCharacter

By disabling plugins I don’t need, do I effectively skip them being compiled/built (Or whatever it is it’s doing) and so speeding up build times?

For curiosities sake, I think it’s my CPU that is the actual bottle neck causing slow project packaging times. I have an old dual core that is working at 100% whenever I build a project. So not only does it take hours and hours on end, I can’t use my computer at the same time. I think I’m in need of an upgrade! :slight_smile:

I followed the advise of disabling indexing. I’m currently doing a build to see if that’s going to make any difference. I don’t think my CPU supports hyper-threading though, so I can’t follow the other guide about utilizing that.