Documentation/Education be fully integrated into the engine

I really dislike the disconnect between the documentation and the engine itself. I submit that Epic pursue integrating what they are attempting to do with education on the internet and elsewhere directly into the engine.

The loads of tutorials available should be installed into the ‘Tutorial Program’ that’s been around for a long time now but never developed. It should be greatly developed to be the main go-to for how-to. It should be connected to a server so people can create and upload directly from the engine and others can search and download directly from the engine. Besides being intended to offer a large database of ‘how-to’ that is accessible to all engine users it also needs to allow users to create private groups, because not all how-to’s would be applicable due to tooling that goes on in a studio. Ultimately it should be developed to allow for the creation of ‘how-to’ that move outside the engine and into 3d-modelers and IDE. It should be reflective or introspective enough to know when it can’t reach the next step so one knows when something does not work and can use it to file a bug report.

The classic ‘tool tip’ system should also be greatly developed to accommodate all the documentation. Rather than dropping users into a 1 million page(literally) info ocean that is not connected to the engine, users should be able to be guided through the engine a step at a time along side the complete documentation that is fully integrated into the engine, using more or less standard interactive database techniques that have been seen in computer science for a long time now.

This is obviously no design document, just food for thought.