Do you need a PlayerStart?

I’m creating a kind of board game where I need the player to look over it very much like the BlackJack demo. I notice the BlackJack demo is using the PlayerStart as it’s main camera. Is this normal for a game like this? Why not use a camera and not have PlayerStart at all?

Normally it should also work, but then the player will spawn from 0,0,0 in the world. :slight_smile:

My guess it’s a legacy thing. In early versions you needed a player start to PIE but now you don’t so I expect how things use to be done have changed.


Key binds are bound to the character blueprint so makes sense to use any kind of keyboard or mouse input you need a character

But if I have a camera that takes control of the view at start then I don’t really care where it spawns. Do this make sense? o_O

But is the character blueprint bound to PlayerStart? If it is then one would need PlayerStart simply to get inputs.