
Is there a way to make DLC/Patches for a game you have released. So you do not have to redownload the whole file again. Just the new things that have been added. Ive heard about “UnrealPak” Is that just the normal package option under file. and if it supports this how would i do it and send these Pathes/Dlc out?

On the UE4 Roadmap is a Point for DLC’s LINK so there will be native support sometime in the future. I don’t know how it is supposed to work with patches but I think It is kinda necessary to redownload certain files but I am not sure.

Ok so is there not anything right now that allows anything like this?

Is there a way to do this now or do i have to wait until its voted for.?

Well voting always help to maybe switch priority for Epic to that subject, but otherwise theres not much you can do, only if you know how to code, that you can write that stuff on your own. If you aren’t good at coding (like me :P) than you mostly have to wait until it gets officialy supported.
So it basicly is : code it yourself / hire-get someone to code it for you / or wait :slight_smile:

Ok Thanks! it looks like im waiting :stuck_out_tongue: