Distinctive differences between Event Receive Tick and Event Receive Tick AI?

Hi All,

Just wondering, what makes Event Receive Tick different from Event Receive Tick AI? I realize that the AI version is more suited for AI, but why is that? What are the C++ differences, what do they do differently?

No difference. If you have both it will take AI version if owner is AI controller (but why have them both?)

void UBTTask_BlueprintBase::TickTask(UBehaviorTreeComponent& OwnerComp, uint8* NodeMemory, float DeltaSeconds)
	if (AIOwner != nullptr && (ReceiveTickImplementations & FBTNodeBPImplementationHelper::AISpecific))
		ReceiveTickAI(AIOwner, AIOwner->GetPawn(), DeltaSeconds);
	else if (ReceiveTickImplementations & FBTNodeBPImplementationHelper::Generic)
		ReceiveTick(ActorOwner, DeltaSeconds);