Distance trace system

Hello, I trying to make distance trace system. I using “Spawn actor” and projectile. When it hit i take this location, but when I try to take this location in my ThirdPersonCharacter from “SpawnActor” this give only X-0, Y-0, Z-0 and error. How to use this vector in my TPCharacter? Can you help me with this or other similar method to take this location. Thank you for your time!

Not sure if I understand you correctly but when a trace returns (0,0,0) it most likely didn’t hit something. So what you want to do is a branch after your trace and plug Out Hit->Blocking Hit into its condition. If it’s true you take the location of the Out Hit, if not you use your Trace End.

I destroy this projectile when hit, because i need very fast trace with fast refresh. If I use delay 0.2 for destroy after hit it again make error.