Distance Constraint Issues

Hey, I was just having a few issues with the distance constraint workflow. I’ve followed the help section for this within Reality Capture (applying the constraint to 2 control points), but have an error with all of the ones I’ve applied - “singular end point”.

This is where I’m up to: https://imgur.com/a/WGKSDJR.

I’ve also tried modifying one of the points so it’s in a different image (so each control point is in a different image) - I then get the error “unassigned end point”. I think it’s just an issue with my workflow than a bug - can anyone advise on what I’m doing wrong?


The problem is that Control Points are assigned only to one image. It is not enough for RealityCapture to place it into the model. You need at least 3 images assigned to every control point. 
Select a Control Point in 1Ds view you want to place onto the image/model and use Control Points tool in Alignment tab to place it.