Dissimilar graphics in static mesh viewer and in scene

Hello, I’m using substance painter to texture my models, it uses a map for Metallic, Roughness and AO in one combined.
To make it work you need to disable sRGB, but for some reason the model don’t look like it does in the static mesh viewer.
Looks perfect before I place it in the scene, what is happening :frowning: The model is marked as “Movable” So it should recieve light.
Thanks for help ;D

The preview I believe uses a movable skylight in it so you see the reflections. Metals need indirect lighting to show reflections. That means they need some either skylight, or static lighting. Then you need to have some Sphere (or box) Reflection actors placed in your scene.

Hi, Ryan,

Oh, That clears up alot of question marks. So if I get a great skysphere/map then it will look even better? ;D
Ok, I’ll try to arrange something like that then.

Good day!,