I want to display information like the damage dealt by a critial strike or bonus gold earned near certain actors. The widget is supposed to move slightly, i.e. it should slightly move upwards and gradually vanish. I was able to display simple text, however, I cannot get it to move (I did not yet look into the vanishing part).
What I am doing currently is to use a Widget that contains the desired text/information, and which is created near the actor of interest. How do I make the widget move? Thank you!
Thank you. However, this does not really solve my current issue, maybe I should have made it more precise. At the moment, I spawn the info text above a building that finished construction. The text conveys some info about bonuses thank to finishing the house’s construction. So the building is static and does not move. How do I move the text widget? I cannot set its velocity. Even when I add a Pawnmovementcomponent to the Widget and set its velocity to some value, nothing happens.