Hi everyone- beginner to C++ with Unreal here!
I want to design a system to toggle between multiple blueprints, each containing particle emitter components. My thoughts so far have been to create an array of type <UClass> that I expose to the editor by using the macro UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = “Emitters”);
I then add my blueprints dynamically through the editor, and back in C++ land, I want to iterate through all those blueprints I added and spawn them at runtime (eventually I want to toggle between them, but for now I just want to get them all spawning). The googling I’ve done shows a bunch of different ways to spawn actors dynamically, but most of them are from 2014 and seem highly convoluted. I’d love to see an up to date, best practices pattern for spawning blueprint actors (or preferably, any actor) from c++ at runtime!